I haven't recieved a tracking number

If you haven't received a tracking number for your online order yet, it means that we are still working on dispatching your parcel. Orders are dispatched from our warehouse as soon as possible, usually within 1 to 2 business days of you placing your order. It may take longer during sale periods due to high order volumes. As soon as your order leaves the warehouse you will get an email with the tracking information.

Please see more information on shipping and delivery times below.

If you would like more information or assistance with this matter, please get in touch with us via email & we will be happy to look into this further for you.

Australia Shipping Info


Free AusPost Standard Delivery on all orders over $49 AUD.

$10 AusPost Standard Delivery on orders under $49 AUD

Delivery time after dispatch is approximately 2-4 business days* within Australia


Free AusPost Express shipping on orders over $250 AUD

$20 AusPost Express Delivery on orders under $250 AUD

Delivery time after dispatch is approximately 1-2 business days* within Australia

Please note:

All orders are dispatched out of our HQ in Sydney, Australia.

Xcend will dispatch orders on business days only. Business days are Monday to Friday. Please take this into account when placing orders over the weekend.

Rest Of World Shipping Info


Free shipping: on all orders over $200 AUD, via DHL Express International

Orders under $200 AUD will be charged a flat rate express delivery fee:

New Zealand - $20 AUD
Rest Of World Standard - $30 AUD
Rest Of World Express - $40 AUD

Delivery time after dispatch is approximately 3-6 business days via DHL Express.

Please note:

  • All orders are dispatched out of our HQ in Sydney, Australia.
  • We are not responsible for your local duties or taxes. Please contact your local customs and duties office for more information. Failure to pay customs duties may result in your packaging being returned to Xcend, with additional fees and charges. Xcend reserves the right to deduct an administration fee of up to $100 AUD for orders received due to customs duties not paid. This fee may be deducted from any exchange or refund amount. Xcend will not alter invoice prices in order to minimise or eliminate local duties and taxes.
  • As Xcend is an Australian-based entity your order will be charged in AUD and converted to your local currency. You may be subject to international transactional fees. Please contact your bank for further information. Xcend is not responsible for any reimbursement of these fees.
  • Xcend will dispatch orders on business days only. Business days are Monday to Friday. Please take this into account when placing orders over the weekend. 
  • Xcend reserves the right to change or amend these terms without notice.